Favourite Movie Quotes

1.War is young man dying and old man talking. (Troy)

2. You wanna make an omelet, you are gotta break some eggs.(Fight Club)

3. There's some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for. (Lord of the Rings)

4. The world just doesn't disappear when you close your eyes. (Memento)

5. ‎We all need mirrors to remind ourselves who we are. (Memento)

6. ‎Tell me where to go?
To the left, where nothing's right.
Or, to the right, where nothing's left. (Naruto)

7.stephen,you are world famous
-for black holes, not for rock concerts. (The Theory of Everything)

8. Every one dies. Today or 50 years from now. What does it matter? (Troy)

9. Men rise and fall like winter wheat, but some names never die. (Troy)

10. However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. (The Theory of Everything)

11.Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up. (Batman Begins)

14. Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools and accepted by idiots.

15. You are loved when you are born, you will be loved when you will die, in between you have to manage

16. There are rules but one should know which ones to break and which ones to not.

17. The night is darkest just before the dawn. (The Dark Knight)

18. What about being decent man in indecent time? (The Dark Knight)

19. I did it for me, I liked it and I was really, I was alive (Breaking Bad)

20. You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. (The Dark Knight)

21.Eating is necessity, cooking is art.

22.You can cut all the flowers but cant stop spring from coming.

23. The greatest stories emerge when there is no one to hear them.

24. Birth was the first mistake, death will be redemption.

25. The secret doesn't impress anyone. The  trick you use it for is everything. (Prestige)

26. Trust but verify. (Chernobyl)

27.None care about the person in the box, it applaud the person who's in prestige. (Prestige)

28. A good cop can't sleep because a piece of the puzzles missing, a bad cop can't because conscience won't let him. (Insomnia)

29.A man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man. (Godfather)

30. Don't lose that famous temper of  yours. (Godfather)

31. I will make an offer he won't refuse. (Godfather)

32. Few rotten apple give a bad name to the whole barrel.

33. Power wears out those who don't have it. (Godfather III)

34. There's a first time for everything.

35. Governments change, lies remain same. (Golden Eye)

36. Give the wolf the taste, then keep him hungry. (Pulp Fiction)

37. Prophets are rarely praised in their time.

38. People don't change. Times, they do.

39. A wise man gets more from his enemies than a fool from his friends. (Rush)

40. Compromise where you can, where you can't, don't. (Captain America)
41. Take suit off. What are you?
- Genius, Billionaire, playboy, Philanthropist (Ironman)

42. Keep your friends rich and your enemies rich and wait to find out which is which Avengers (Age of Ultron)
43. Everybody has a chapter that they don't read out loud.

44. Fight like your life depends on it. Because one day it may. (Dr Strange)

45. Pain's an old friend (Dr Strange)

46. There are two types of people, those who dance and those who don't. (Guardian of The Galaxy 2)

47. Isn't eternity boring?
-Not if you have purposes (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)

48. When a man sees his end, he wants to know there was some purposes to his life. (Gladiator)

49. Do you think me heartless?
- I think you have a talent for survival. (Gladiator)

50. Your faults as a son are my failure as a father. (Gladiator)

51. Ultimately we are all dead man, sadly we can't choose how. (Gladiator)

52. Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back. (Gladiator)

53. A rumor is not a rumor that doesn't die. (The Usual Suspects)

54. Power is not about punishing one. Power is when you have all justification to punish one
but you don't.

55. If you kill a killer, number of killer in a room remains the same.

56. Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. (The Dark Knight)

57. Smile, because its easier than explaining what's killing you inside.
(The Dark Knight)

58. Whoever saves one life, saves the world entirely. (Schindler List)

59. If you think education is expensive, you should try the cost of ignorance.

60. You can't fight power, Miss Burnwood. Power never dies, it only changes hands. The best you can do is claim it. (Hitman 3)

61. If you seek peace, plan for war. (John Wick)

62. A slaves work is never done.

63. Artists create a lie to make the truth. (V for Vendetta)

64. What was done to me created me.
(V for Vendetta)

65. Why don't you die?

    Beneath this mask there are ideas Mr. Creedy. And ideas are bulletproof. (V for Vendetta)

66. Laws change, universal truths are constant. (12 years a slave)

67. War doesn't determine who is right, only who is left.

68. You really should be kinder to your neighbors. You never know when you're gonna need to borrow some sugar. (Captain Marvel)

69.Whats in the car? Seats and Steering wheels

70. Faith is a house with many rooms.
- And no room for doubt?
- oh plenty, every floor. You can't know the strength of your faith until its tested (Life of Pi)

71. There is no honor among thieves (Breaking Bad)

72. Bad guys don't play by the rules, that's why they are bad. (Narcos)

73. You want society to accept you. But you can't even accept yourself. (X Men: First Class)

74. Calling me a rat because I look like one? I don't mind it. Rats are ugly, sure and nobody likes them. But they are very intelligent and strong survival instinct. (Rush)

75. Happiness is the enemy. It weakens you. Suddenly, you have something to lose. (Rush)

76. Hate Keeps a man alive. It gives a man strength. (Ben-Hur)

77. - Fliers are gentlemen, not peasants to dig in the earth.
- The English are keen on gardening. (The Great Escape)

78. Politicians, ugly buildings and whores all get respectable if they last long enough (Chinatown)

79. -You know why you hid in that ditch, Blithe?
-I was scared.
-We were all scared.
-You hid in that ditch because you think there is still hope. But Blithe, the only hope you have is to accept the fact that you're already dead. And the sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll be able to function as a soldier's supposed to function. (Band of Brothers)

80. To understand death, you have to look at birth. 

81. When we are so quick to anger, we are slow to understand. (Bullet Train)

82. Hurt people hurt people. (Bullet Train)

83. You cannot preserve entropy. It gradually descends into disorder. (Hannibal)

84. We have to play the card we are dealt. (Pathaan)

85. When you don't have money, the only thing you see is money. (Farzi)

86. Your needs will know no caste. (Vaathi)

87. Morality ends at the end of tolerance.(Mukhosh)

88. Friendship means little when it is convenient. (John Wick: Chapter 4)

89. Fools talk, cowards are silent, but the wise men listen.  (John Wick: Chapter 4)

90. A man's ambition should not exceed his worth.(John Wick: Chapter 4)

91. Justice delayed is justice denied.(Christopher)

92. Truth is just a construct. (Cristopher)

93. You all have been following rules against a man who has none. (Asur) 

94. When suffering is owed, never accept death as payment. (Fast X)

95. We must be gracious in bad times, because time takes no time to change. (Tiger 3)

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